Team Sanborn

Team Sanborn

Monday, November 9, 2009

Mother of the Year Monday

I got this idea from 2 other bloggers (one is on my blog call "Adventures of the Bunch Family"). Of course, it seems as if I have no end to my entries to the "Mother of the Year" contests. Yes, I say contests because I have been in the running since 2006 when we brought the babies home. The latest "my adoption agency would never re-certify me if they knew this" story comes from yesterday. I have been taking the kids on a walk in the jog stroller for almost a month now- every night, without fail. They fall asleep at almost the same spot in the walk each evening! It has been heavenly. In the last few days the walks have been getting increasingly less relaxing because the kids are staying awake for longer and Andrew is "bothering" Annabelle. Last night the "bothering" consisted of him looking in her direction. I was totally fed up by the last half mile. I actually made my three year olds get out and walk the rest of the way home. In their jammies with no shoes! So there you have it... Mother of the year- I think not!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

No pics yet but...

I am going to try to blog a little more as my kids are just so stinkin funny! Of course they would be even funnier in pictures but still! Yesterday my mom took the kids and I to see the Toy Story Double feature- I know we are crazy! The kids had a lot of fun, except for the first 20 minutes. During the previews, there was an advertisement for "A Christmas Carrol" with Jim Carrey. Of course in 3D! Andrew was so freaked out he kept crying saying "too scary!". At the end of the preview it said the movie was rated PG and "some images are unsuitable for children". Who's bright idea was it to play that preview in a theater filled with children??!!!

Okay, back to the kids- Annabelle is watching the cooking channel with all her own cooking tools (she hopes to have her own show someday- she will do anything as long as it's called the "Annabelle Show"). She is giving directions and telling her "audience" how delicious everything will be. Andrew is outside with Tank sharing a glass of instant breakfast. He has poured the instant breakfast on the ground to allow the dog easier access. And who says boys and girls are different??!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Last Time

This year has brought a lot of painful firsts without my dad. My brother's first job, mom and dad's anniversary, the first Thanksgiving, Christmas, every holiday. The babies first swimming lesson, Home Depot "build-it" day, the first day of school. That was supposed to be "our time". Two whole hours just me and my dad while the kids were at school. Now it's two whole hours of him absent from the place he should be. While each first is just as painful as the one before, I can't help but think of the lasts. One year ago today was the last time. The last time I saw my sweet Daddy's eyes. The last broad smile. The last joke about the hospital food. The last time I stroked his swollen arm, or rubbed his aching back. The last time I saw him with my precious babies. The last time I prayed with him, and held his hand so tight. The last time I laid my head on his chest. The last time I hugged his neck. The last time I sang to him and kissed his head.

I know that with God's grace we will move past the painful firsts and the excruciating lasts.
Psalm 31:7b
"...for you have seen my troubles, and you care about the anguish of my soul."

Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today would have been my dad's 60th birthday. Last year on his birthday, the babies made him a poster that said "Hurry Home Pappy". He spent his last birthday in the ICU at Banner Desert. Then, we thought he would be home in a matter of days. God had other plans. We celebrated tonight with our whole extended family. We had all of Daddy's favorites for dinner- Mom made meatloaf, UB made mashed potatoes, Nana made corn souffle and brought watermelon (which Andrew ate half of) and we brought dessert, his favorite ice cream Mint Chocolate Chip from Baskin Robbins. My mom was so thoughtful and bought us all gifts- ALL OF US! She gave us pics of Daddy. She framed 2 of Daddy and I at our wedding. She also gave me a necklace and a heart pendant with Daddy's birthstone. UB, Bill, the babies and I gave her a ring "from daddy". Uncle Kim prayed before dinner and thanked God for the grace He gave us to get through the last year. I put my sweet babies to bed and Andrew actually said, "miss pappy sad". Yes baby boy, we miss Pappy and we are sad. We rejoice in the knowledge that he is resting in the presence of Jesus right now. We love you Daddy- Happy Birthday

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Andrew's First Day of School

Andrew and Annabelle on Andrew's first day. As you can see, Annabelle rolled out of bed to wish her brother well!

It's Official! Andrew loves school! He started school a few weeks ago and is having a great time. On his first day, Mimi stayed with Annabelle while I took Andrew to school. Annabelle is not enjoying brother being at school, she laid on his bed and pouted after he left. When I dropped Andrew off, he didn't even notice I was gone. I was, of course, hysterical in the hallway. Fortunately, Andrew is at the same school I teach at and one of my friends came around the corner to witness my sobs and gave me a big hug. As a matter of fact, the only time Andrew cried the whole day was when I went to pick him up! I reminded him that I am his mommy and he should WANT to come home with me!! A big thank you to all his teachers for making this transition smooth. And of course, thanks to Sunshine, the reason Andrew gets out of bed every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

I know the pic looks funny, but it's the best one I have with his "pack-pack"

The reason Andrew even goes to school- the class hamster, Sunshine

We may even get to watch Sunshine over Oct. break- lucky us!
Andrew and his teacher Miss Elissa

This is Andrew actually crying when we came to get him (Annabelle, Mommy, Aunt Frankie and Mimi). I guess it's good he doesn't want to leave, no matter what my ego says right?!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Happy Famiversary!

Here we are at the airport on July 15, 2006

I have been a little reluctant to post since our camera has still not been replaced with a working one!!! But here goes... On July 15th we celebrated the 3 year anniversary of the day we became a family. Now technically, we became a family the day we saw their pictures and accepted the referral. We became a family again on June 14th when they went to court and took our last name and again on July 10th when we met them for the first time. But we call the 15th of July our Famiversary because that was the day our babies met their family. We had a big homecoming at the airport with all of our "family", related of not! What a beautiful sight they were. It is kind of bittersweet because last year on our Famiversary, our family gathered for African food (not too adventurous trust me) and of course our Pappy was here to celebrate too. It was our first Famiversary without him, and it just wasn't the same.
On a lighter note, we went out for Ethiopian food and Andrew and Annabelle loved it! Picture Andrew eating an entire injera by himself and Annabelle demolishing an entire serving of fosolia! It was quite a sight!!! Here are a few pics of these sweet babies 3 years ago. Enjoy!

Annabelle with Mimi, not too sure of the paparazzi!

Andrew with his grandpa. This is what his face looked like for the first 2 months he was home. We called it "shock and awe"

Andrew on the first night he slept in his crib

Annabelle is feeling like she is in the lap of luxury! This is the life!!!

Proud Americans on the day after they came home... Ready for a swim!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Swimming Lessons

We now have graduated! We took "intensive" swim lessons every day for two weeks and are now expert swimmers! Yeah right... These lessons were more of a lesson in mommy letting go, as I had to watch them through the glass. They did awesome! Not a tear (except for mommy's) and they listened and followed directions really well. But here are a few pics of the kiddos during their first swim lesson adventure!

Here are the little sweet ones before the lesson, a tad nervous...

Andrew gazing thoughtfully at the other swimmers
It's a little hard to see as theses pictures were taken through glass, this is Andrew- no "wobble goggles" needed swimming across the pool with their teacher Mr. Tyler

Here is Annabelle with Mr. Tyler swimming across the pool! Notice the "wobble goggles" AND HER HAIR IS WET!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Two Babies Turn Three!

I know- it's hard to believe.  And in the interest of fairness, Andrew's b-day was yesterday and I wanted to do a special blog just for him.  But then Annabelle's special day is coming tomorrow she would need a special one as well and if you follow my blogging history you know I am not very consistant.  One blog could last for 2 days (Andrew's b-day) and others are the only blog for a month (Annabelle's b-day).  This created a problem of Annabelle looking like the favorite just because I am a slacker.  So here is one blog devoted to both of my sweet babies.  Andrew's entry is first because his birthday is first not because he's the favorite (do you for see many years of this back and forth??).  Mother of Multiples Batman!

Andrew turns three... 

Andrew is still the strong silent type in every way.  He loves "Cars", Sesame Street, his dog Tank, playing at the park (especially climbing the rock wall), playing basketball, watching football, running, hiding, jumping on a trampoline and eating all kinds of foods.  He will try anything once.  His new fav is hummus- go figure!  He has such a tender heart.  He can't stand it when his sister is in time out and is equally distraught when he gets placed there as well.  He willingly apologizes when he wrongs others and loves to hug and kiss.  He loves it when daddy comes home from work, which results in minutes long bear hugs around the neck.  He loves to dance to all kinds of music.  He can play the french horn with Grandpa's instruction.  He can take almost anything apart.  He has a smile that will melt your heart.  Someday (when he's 30) he will drive the ladies wild.  He stole my heart the first time I held him in my arms and right then and there I thought I could never love him more.  I was wrong.  I love him more and more each day.  Happy third birthday Bubby!

Annabelle turns three...

Annabelle loves pink, sparkles and anything remotely involving princesses- Disney or otherwise.  She has a very long attention span which has allowed her to enjoy cooking with me.  She loves to chat with her friends on the phone, sing, dance and play with dolls, use her imagination, have her toenails painted (pink and sparkly if you please), tell her adoption story, make plans for the future and snuggle on the couch.  Gross motor skills are not her strong suite, so she is very cautious when trying new things.  She loves all things chocolate and cannot wait to grow up and "go to college in Kenya".  She is very inquisitive and loves to be the center of attention.  She is a wonderful helper and just wants everyone to get along!   She says the most precious things.  Right now my favorite is, "Mommy do you know I love you with all of my heart?"  She is sensitive enough to know just want I need to hear to remind me of what is important.  I never get tired of hearing her sweet little voice.  I fell in love with Annabelle the moment I saw her picture over e-mail.  I knew those beautiful eyes and that pouty little smile were meant to be in our family.  I could have never imagined how perfectly she would fit into my heart.  I love her more with each passing day.  Happy third birthday baby girl!

There are two other people I cannot go through the "birthday season" without thinking of.  My sweet babies birthmoms.  It is still impossible for me to believe the enormous blessings being heaped upon us everyday by these sweet children.   Thank you for giving your children the gift of life and giving us the gift of family.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Our camera is broken!

The lens can just won't open- I CANNOT IMAGINE HOW THIS HAPPENED!!!  You read my earlier posts about our budding photographer Andrew right?  So needless to say I do not have pics, but today was a little funny so I thought I would share the story...

I came out from cleaning the bathroom (never would have done this even 6 months ago, but I am able to do more and more the older they get.  Time for another one huh?) and it was a little too quiet.  I walk into the family room to see Andrew sitting on the floor, legs stretched in front of him with NO JOKE at least 38 pumps of Cetafil lotion all over his arms legs an yes, MOUTH.  Not like he was putting it on his face and he accidentally got some on his mouth.  Like he was licking it off his extremities and some got on his face instead of in his mouth.  We used some of the leftover lotion on Mommy, sister and the rest of Andrew's body and then took a towel to the rest.  Today we took really good care of his skin- so soft and shiny!!!
Later in the day, Annabelle had a huge fit for seemingly no reason.  During said fit- she lost all bladder control and peed.  Not super funny for mommy who had to clean it up, but the funny part was overhearing Annabelle "retell" what happened to Aunt Shari that made it funny.   "My shorts made a bad choice and pee peed".  So Annabelle didn't make the bad choice, it was her shorts- just to be clear!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Hug and a Kiss

Well...  Andrew and Annabelle have had their first fight.  IT started with someone pushing someone else and one thing led to another and they were on the ground wrestling.  With a very straight face (almost impossible to do when these cuties fight) I called them over.  They were both crying at this point.  Annabelle could have actually been hurt since Andrew outweighs her by 10 pounds- but as we know Annabelle has been know to pour it on real thick!!!  Andrew was also being a bit dramatic- the alligator tears were out in full force.  Once they calmed down, I told them to apologize to each other.  Andrew said "I savy Anbewl" (which translates to I am deeply sorry sweet sister) and gave her a hug.  I told Annabelle it was her turn and she said, "I am not sorry!".  Of course right to time out for her and I instantly became my mother and various other Cates women (Aunt Brenda).  I actually told my 2 year old daughter she was "acting ugly".  Well, she came out of time out and apologized and hugged her brother but then proceeded to tell everyone who called for the next week that she had to go to time out for "being ugly".  All that to say, here is a cute pic of them in less "ugly" times!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Adding to the blog...

Okay, I have been blogging for about a year now and am just figuring out how to add elements to my page...  Sorry- hope to have the final outcome to you soon!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas at the Sanborn Home

Andrew on his new bike
Annabelle on her new bike

Andrew "decorating" Christmas cookies
Annabelle loves the green sugar!
My sweet "Snuggle Puppies"

We had quite a few Christmases this year...  One with Bill's Grandparents, one with his parents, one with my extended family, one with mom and Justin and one with just the four of us- whew!!  We had so much fun though, it was the first year the kids really "got it".  Here are a few pics of our adventures!