Team Sanborn

Team Sanborn

Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today would have been my dad's 60th birthday. Last year on his birthday, the babies made him a poster that said "Hurry Home Pappy". He spent his last birthday in the ICU at Banner Desert. Then, we thought he would be home in a matter of days. God had other plans. We celebrated tonight with our whole extended family. We had all of Daddy's favorites for dinner- Mom made meatloaf, UB made mashed potatoes, Nana made corn souffle and brought watermelon (which Andrew ate half of) and we brought dessert, his favorite ice cream Mint Chocolate Chip from Baskin Robbins. My mom was so thoughtful and bought us all gifts- ALL OF US! She gave us pics of Daddy. She framed 2 of Daddy and I at our wedding. She also gave me a necklace and a heart pendant with Daddy's birthstone. UB, Bill, the babies and I gave her a ring "from daddy". Uncle Kim prayed before dinner and thanked God for the grace He gave us to get through the last year. I put my sweet babies to bed and Andrew actually said, "miss pappy sad". Yes baby boy, we miss Pappy and we are sad. We rejoice in the knowledge that he is resting in the presence of Jesus right now. We love you Daddy- Happy Birthday

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Andrew's First Day of School

Andrew and Annabelle on Andrew's first day. As you can see, Annabelle rolled out of bed to wish her brother well!

It's Official! Andrew loves school! He started school a few weeks ago and is having a great time. On his first day, Mimi stayed with Annabelle while I took Andrew to school. Annabelle is not enjoying brother being at school, she laid on his bed and pouted after he left. When I dropped Andrew off, he didn't even notice I was gone. I was, of course, hysterical in the hallway. Fortunately, Andrew is at the same school I teach at and one of my friends came around the corner to witness my sobs and gave me a big hug. As a matter of fact, the only time Andrew cried the whole day was when I went to pick him up! I reminded him that I am his mommy and he should WANT to come home with me!! A big thank you to all his teachers for making this transition smooth. And of course, thanks to Sunshine, the reason Andrew gets out of bed every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

I know the pic looks funny, but it's the best one I have with his "pack-pack"

The reason Andrew even goes to school- the class hamster, Sunshine

We may even get to watch Sunshine over Oct. break- lucky us!
Andrew and his teacher Miss Elissa

This is Andrew actually crying when we came to get him (Annabelle, Mommy, Aunt Frankie and Mimi). I guess it's good he doesn't want to leave, no matter what my ego says right?!