Team Sanborn

Team Sanborn

Monday, November 29, 2010

"Camp Central"

We attend a great church, Central Christian (we go to the Gilbert campus).  I mean a really great church!!  As one of the perks of going to a big church- there are thousands of programs!  On Thursdays for the past 12 weeks, I have been attending Holy Yoga from 9-11 and there is "child care" available as well.  For a nominal fee, I have been dropping off Andrew and Annabelle each morning.  When I say nominal, I mean nominal!  It was $15 bucks per kid for the whole 12 weeks.  I would have been perfectly happy if the kids were running around barely supervised for the time they were there- honestly!!  I know, not my finest "Mommy of the Year Moment", but I LOVE HOLY YOGA!!!  The volunteers did an amazing job!!!  These are women who have their own kids and would probably much rather have gone to Holy Yoga with me, but they volunteered their time so I could go spend some time with the Lord.  While the kids are there they get to hear bible stories, have a snack, play on the playground and do a craft.   And of course they got loved on by the staff!  THEY LOVED IT!!!!  They also got a t-shirt and today we were treated to a special program!  The 3-5 year olds got up on the stage and sang for all of the ladies in the "Stepping Stones" ministry.  Follow this link to the video on YouTube!  Enjoy!

PS- I also noticed how different my kids are...  I know, you already knew that from reading this blog.  But watching them on stage it is SOOOOOO apparent!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veteran's Day

So this may seem like a "weak" holiday to get all patriotic...  Why not 4th of July?  There is always Memorial Day!  Why Veteran's Day you ask??  Well, we were asked to put together a project for the hallway of the kids school.  I thought it was a cute idea.  A star to honor each veteran in your family.  So I started to just write the names of our family on one puny little star and I was overwhelmed with emotion.  These people in our family, served our country and I am half-assing (sorry about the language Aunt Robyn) a star to "honor" them.  NO WAY!!!  So I got on the school's website and downloaded 4 more stars so we would have one to honor each person in our immediate family who has served in the military.  Of course we had to add a little glitter (sorry Uncle J.B.), in red white and blue of course.  And maybe our starts looked a little "over the top" (I know this because of the placement on the board... front and center), but we were proud of them.  We are exponentially more proud of the sweet men who have left,  and are leaving a legacy of national service, duty and courage in our family.  Thank you for all that you have done, we know we live with the freedoms we have (including the freedom to add to our family from Ethiopia through adoption) because of you.  We love you!

This is the main hallway at school
There were a few of these flags in the hallway, they were hanging from the skylights.

This is one of the bulletin boards, the one we have our stars on

Here they are on the board.
 And here are our individual starts honoring those we love who have served our county: 
Andrew and Annabelle's Great-Grandfather
Bill's paternal grandfather served in the army
He passed away in December of 2009
Andrew and Annabelle's Great-Grandpa
Bill's maternal grandfather served in the Air Force

Andrew and Annabelle's Great-Grandpa
My maternal grandfather served in the Marines
He died when I was in the 5th grade 

Andrew and Annabelle's Great Grandpa
My paternal grandpa served in the Merchant Marines
He passed away in December of 2007
Andrew and Annabelle's Great Uncle
My paternal uncle served in the Air Force

Thank you for all you have done to give us the freedoms we enjoy and often take for granted.  Including this:
Court hearing May 2007, making Andrew and Annabelle citizens

Monday, November 8, 2010

We Have Gone Global People!!!

Well, maybe not global but our Annabelle is on Facebook.  Well, I know there are pics of her all over Facebook, but that's not what I'm talking about!  And yes, technically we have gone global (Thank you Naomi and Heidi) but this is different.  My college roommate is a happening mommy to 4 and has started her own jewelry business.   It is called K. Jo Kuffs and her stuff is available on Facebook.  She names all of her designs after the most adorable little girls she has ever met  daughters of her friends.  So here is Annabelle's Kuff!!!  Notice the shout out to her Ethiopian heritage?!!  So go to Facebook and check out her designs at K. Jo Kuff's (do you think I plugged her enough) and order your "Annabelle" today!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


We had a blast trick or treating OF COURSE!!!  Get candy, run around, repeat!  What's not to like??!!  In our family, we take the dog and pony show all over the East Valley before it goes trick or treating!  Our family has been so sweet to meet us at Mimi's for the last few Halloween outings because Bill (aka the Car Seat Nazi) couldn't get the kids safely in their seats in costume.  So this year we went to Mimi's, Aunt Brenda and Uncle Kim's, Gigi's, Aunt Shari's and Aunt Frankie's all before trick or treating!  Annabelle loved it (of course), Andrew-not so much (are we surprised).  Here are the little guys as Tiana (from Princess and the Frog) and Woody (From Toy Story).

Doe this really need a caption?  How cute right?

Seriously cute!

Okay, so it looks like Bill is just standing there with some guy...  But really, the cowboy is our neighbor Randy (who bullied us into dressing up by the way, nice costume Hinners), and Bill dressed as our neighbor Randy.  Confused?  Bill is wearing Randy's "weekend uniform".    That is what happens when someone makes the Sanborn's dress up!  Genius!!  HA!!

Okay, this was not a drunken debacle I promise, it was totally G rated!    This is our neighbor Andy and our friend Jim , both triathletes (Andy is an Ironman).  Andy is sponsored by Michelob Ultra (hence the pic of him drinking) , so in turn all of our neighborhood parties are also sponsored by Michelob!

Andrew and his buddy Elliot (Super Why)

Bill, Ruby, Annabelle, Gillian, Logan, Andrew, Elliot and Riley
One of the reasons I love our neighborhood...  We have chili and treats across the street from our house at the Hinner's house and the grown ups hang out after trick or treating and the kids run around.  Our Neighbor, Randy takes the kids on hay rides every year.  He hitches his Polaris up to his trailer, fills it with hay and blankets and takes the kids for a ride.  The daddies go with of course!

Happy Harvest from Team Sanborn!