Team Sanborn

Team Sanborn

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Happy Grandparents Day

I know, I am a little late!  Every year our elementary school does a tribute to Grandparents put on by the kindergarten classes.  It was seriously THE. CUTEST. THING. EVER.  I bawled my eyes out the entire time.  This was just a few days before the 3rd anniversary of my daddy's "homegoing".  So not having him there to see this was so sad.  I cried the entire time.  I know you're not surprised.  But seriously, a little girl a few rows in front of me asked her mom what was wrong with me.  The mom shrugged her shoulders like I was from outer space!  Really lady?  130 kindergarteners pouring their hearts out in song and dance to honor their grandparents??!!  IT WAS TOUCHING!!!!!!!  We brought Mimi, Grandma and Grandpa, Grandma Elsie and Gigi to school to see the kids in their first elementary school production and it was so fun!  We are so blessed to have such amazing grandparents and great grandparents pouring into our children's lives. We love you!

Here is the video...  Andrew is in the top left, Annabelle is toward the front in the middle (its hard to see them in a sea of 130 small people).  So make sure and turn off the music player at the bottom of the blog and turn up your sound!

A big shout out to 
Mrs. Romero, our music teacher
Mrs Andersen, Annabelle's teacher
Mrs.Willman, Andrew's teacher

Thursday, August 4, 2011

"So Lucky" part two...

Yesterday a woman at the store said something really sweet and kind of profound.  I of course cried, and am crying now just writing...  I was at the store with Bill's Grandma Elsie and Benjamin while the big kids were at school.  Of course no less than a dozen strangers stopped to oogle Benjamin "He's so cute" and he was EATING IT UP!!!!  He was smiling at them flashing his dimples like nobody's business!!!  It was hilarious.  One woman said, "You sure are lucky".  I almost burst into tears immediately.  She has no idea!  We are "lucky" three times!!!  It really made me take a moment and thank the Lord for how "lucky" we are.  We have 3 beautiful children (I can say that with confidence as they are all adopted and none look like me:)).  They are a hand full to say the least.  They are exhausting, they don't always get along.  They demand limitless time and energy.  They are messy, even when trying to help clean up.  They often have attitudes and sometimes even talk back (gasp).  They are strong willed and sometimes bossy (where do they get it).  They throw fits in Target or at home when asked to do something they don't want to do.  They always need something else when we have nothing to give.  But they are ours.  God has given them to us and we cannot imagine our lives without them.  We are so "lucky"!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

First Day of Kindergarten

Well here it is!!  The first day of kindergarten (sniff sniff)!  Well, to those of you who know me it goes more like:  The first day of kindergarten (sob sob)!  The kids had a lot of fun, after a rocky start, the pictures can tell the story! We are so proud of our "babies" and cannot believe the time has flown by so quickly!  Enjoy!

This is how you make lunches!

Ready to go!

Last year we had the same pic of the "double school supplies".  This is for all my teacher friends out there so they can rest assured I am not a slacker mom (as far as school supplies are concerned).  BTW- Target has killer deals on Crayola!

Nice mug shots right?

Here they are ready for the first day!  They both had PE on the first day, so they have on what I refer to as "Sporty Spice" clothes.  Annabelle was a little upset she couldn't wear anything fancy...  Rest assured she did on day 2!

 Again with the mug shots...

They were laughing at the black blur at the bottom of the pic, our dog Tank

Daddy praying with them before school

Grandpa was part of our posse on the way to school

Benjamin is soooooo over this!!!

More or our fan club...  Mimi
Not pictured Bill, Molly and Aunt Frankie

The three amigos at school

Now is when the morning starts to go arye...  They both got really nervous which means Annabelle got really quiet and looked super snotty and Andrew got really loud and obnoxious.

Both kids had these color sheets on their desks

This was the first thing on Andrew's desk, and cue tears....  That's right, I didn't even open it and I started crying!  The inside (I read 3 hours later and still cried) was about how the teacher knows we love our kiddos and she will love them too, and take good care of them while they are in school.  And cue more tears...

This is right before we attempted to leave and Andrew screamed- "I am not staying here by myself!"  Cue UGLY CRYING!

This is Bill swooping in to the rescue.  After Andrew screamed and started crying,  I had to vacate the classroom because of the ugly crying and then I had to take Annabelle to her classroom.  So Bill stayed with Andrew until he felt comfortable (so her said, he may have been lying to make me feel better.  Either way, thanks Babe)

This Annabelle refusing to smile and or color because she was so nervous.  This is my outgoing social butterfly who had been introducing herself to people since she was 11 months old, NEVER unsure in ANY social situation.  And cue the ugly crying again!!!  BTW- she told me I was never allowed to do her hair like this again because it was too "baby" WHAT THE HECK???!!

A big shout out to my "Tissues and Tea" Support Group:
Aunt Frankie
Nana (Gigi)
Aunt Shari
Aunt Brenda
I wouldn't have made it through this day without you!
Only 179 more to go.....

Friday, July 1, 2011

Who's keeping score?

Dear Target Shoppers,
Please excuse the screaming.  Yes, I manhandled my 5 year old (looks like 8 year old) into the cart.  Sorry.  I did this because he was yelling at me.  Sorry.  Yeah, you probably heard that part but didn't see it as I was trying to hide in a "time out" corner. Then, when you thought the ruckus was over, he slapped me and I put him back in time out which of course inspired more screaming.  Sorry.  When the screaming calmed down and I asked him to leave with us, more screaming.  Sorry.  I took it upon myself to go ahead and check out with only the items in my cart, to rid you of the screaming faster.  As we tried to exit Target, the screaming only intensified.  Sorry. Said 5 year old (no really, he's only 5) saw we were passing the snack spot and was not going to be getting any popcorn because of his behavior.  Sorry.  No- I'm not sorry.  I have 3 kids under 5 and sometimes regardless of your dirty looks and head shakes, I have to discipline my child(ren) in a public place.  This time (and lots of other times I guess) it was Target.  AND I WAS NOT GOING TO HAND OVER A REWARD TO A MANIAC JUST SO YOU WOULD STOP STARING AT ME!!!  And by the way Target Shoppers, there is a good chance this will happen again. Taking into consideration that I have 3 kids (and we frequent that particular Target).  Sorry. 
In case you were wondering:
Mom- 1

Thursday, June 9, 2011

How many hours do you put in?

I have been teaching on-line education classes for Grand Canyon Univerity for over a year now and I love it.  I often hear interesting things from my students and the one I heard today was worth a blog post.  Here is the quote:
"...educated women spend on average 21.5 hours per week attending to the needs of their children..."
I feel like I spend 21 hours a day tending to the needs of my children (and husbands count too right?).  Even if my kids were in school 5 days a week (sniff sniff), I would still have them at home for about 5 or 6 waking hours each day and then the whole weekend which would be more than 21 hours a week right?
Anyone else have an opinon on this?  I would love to see your comments!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Goodbye Preschool

So this post is a little premature as we still have school until the Tuesday after Memorial Day, but I have to share this video!  I would like to point out that last year at this time, Andrew turned his back on the audience and then threw a screaming fit when it was ice cream time.  So this year was an AMAZING improvement!  Needless to say, I bawled my eyes out at the back the whole time.  My babies are heading to kindergarten!

If you are looking for an AMAZING preschool, Chandler has a great program and I have had the opportunity to work with several preschool teachers in my role as a kindergarten teacher and I can say they are truly the cream of the crop!  Now excuse me while I brag on the specific teachers who have touched my kids lives this year.

A GIANT thank you to Miss Elissa- you have been the best teacher to both of my kids!  You have no idea the amount of tears I shed leaving Andrew with you that first day two years ago.  He had never been anywhere without his sister, and he was barely able to communicate.  You have helped him become an independent guy, ready to conquer the world.  Annabelle waited for a whole year with GREAT anticipation to enter your class and you did not disappoint!   Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication.

Miss Karen- thank you for loving my Andrew even when it was hard.  You two have a special bond and you have always seen him for the amazing kid he can be even when he isn't acting like it.  Thank you for helping him learn so much.

Miss Carolina- We miss you dearly!  You spent so much time pampering Annabelle, the "beauty shop center" will never be the same without you.  Thank you for helping her adjust to a new group of students and making her year so fun!

Miss Tami- What do I say? You have only been with us for a short while, but you have no idea how relaxed my whole body became when I say you standing in the room as Miss Carolina replacement.  You were dear to me when you were just "Austin's Mom and even more now that we have switched roles:).  Thank you for humoring both of my sweet kiddos-they adore you!

Miss Lisa- I jumped for joy when I found out you would be Andrew's speech teacher this year.  I loved having you as a parent, you were so supportive and that is one of the things that makes you such a good therapist.  Andrew has come so far this year, and we owe much of it to you!

We have had the best year!  Thank you for preparing us for kindergarten!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

First Baby Sitter

Last night we went out to eat with my college roommate and her husband.  They live in Colorado, so we don't get to see them very often.  The last time we saw them, we dropped the kids at Bill's parents house for a sleepover and stayed out WAAAAAAY to late.  I seem to remember driving home with another couple, the husbands sound asleep in the back seat.  Well, in case we were wondering, we aren't 18 any more!  So this time we opted for a more civilized meeting at one restaurant (instead of bar hopping, which is what got us into trouble last time).  Since it was a week night, we knew we would be calling it early, and all the family we usually have baby sit were busy.

 So we hired a sitter.  The most amazing 8th grade boy in America- he just happens to live across the street (lucky us).  Seriously, he gives me hope for all mankind.  He always waves and says hi, even when he is with his buddies.  He is so polite and responsible.  No, I will not be giving his name out as we would like to hoard him for ourselves.

Ten minutes into our big date night, our sitter (or really, his mom Laura) calls and tells us everything is fine....  I immediately flash to hundreds of different scenarios all of which end in the police at our house and caution tape on our front door.  Good thing Bill answered as he may be a TAD more calm in the "babysitters calling to say everything is fine" department.  Andrew was zealously pressing play on the DVD player (Netflix and Hulu were both out, told you this baby sitter was amazing-entertaining the kids without technology as you will see as the story progresses), he tripped and smashed his front teeth on the Mama Roo (the Mama Roo is fine by the way- Thank the Lord!!!).  His lip and mouth were bloody and he was wailing up a storm.  This is why the baby sitter opted to call his mom, can you blame him?  Andrew calmed down after a Popsicle (no, we did not rush home, Mother of the Year acceptance speech in another post).  And the baby sitter played board games with them until they went to bed.

So that was our first baby sitter...  Thank you Clayton Hinners (and Laura too)- you are the best!  Please don't let this craziness keep you from accepting jobs from us again...

And stay tuned for pictures of Andrew's newly loose tooth...  EWWWWW!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pre-School Wisdom

Keep in mind they are both in the same class...

Me-What did you guys learn today at school?
Andrew- Miss Elissa says we should never smart everyone.
Me- Um, what is smart?
Andrew- You know, when you take your hand and smart someone who is bothering you.
Me- No, honey, I don't know, show me (what was I thinking?)
Andrew proceeds to take Annabelle's arm and give it a nice loud open hand slap.
So are we clear?  Smart=Slap

Me- What about you Annabelley?
Annabelle- I learned about different kinds of animals.  Mammals are animals that have live babies, you know, we are mammals.  Then there are animals who have babies who hatch out of eggs and they are called security systems.
To re-cap: mammals have live babies, security systems have babies who hatch out of eggs.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Amazing, Right?!

Tomorrow- May 2nd is my mom's 62nd birthday!  We had dinner together tonight with some of her fav's (Parmesan chicken and green beans, and her grand babies).  We have so much fun anytime we are around her.  If you know my mom, you know how little this post is going to cover.  If you don't know my mom, that's too bad!  She is amazing!  My mom married my dad almost 36 years ago and it was love at first sight.  Remember my dad had a congenital heart defect that cause all kinds of issues?  When they met, he was healthy, but she knew about his history and what might be to come.  She married him anyway.  Amazing, right?!  I am glad she did because a year later, they welcomed the most beautiful baby girl into their family.  Four years later a slightly less cute baby boy (ask my brother about this).  During this time my dad traveled a lot on business and my mom was a stay at home mom.  She would write him love notes every time he left. Amazing, right?! My dad kept them all.    When I was little my dad got sick.  He was in Tucson, and we of course lived in Phoenix.  My mom would spend the day with us, drive to Tucson to be with my dad and then home again so we wouldn't miss her.  She did have to stay a few nights and she still says she was in agony choosing "my dad over us"- Hello?!  That is how important it was that she was truly "there for us". Amazing, right?!   When my dad came home, it was apparent my mom would need a job.  We were in school full time, so she could have done anything.  She chose to work retail so she could be home when we got home from school, and get us ready for school without rushing in the morning.  She worked at night and on the weekends to help make ends meet.  This way she could be around if we needed her and the time that should have been "her own" after we went to bed was filled with customers and standing on her feet for 8 hours at a time.  Amazing, right?!  She cheered us on at sporting events, helped in our classrooms, thew the most amazing birthday parties and led our AWANA teams, high school d-groups and choir tours with the rest of her "free time".  She always made her family the top priority in a time when moms were being urged to put themselves first.  Oh and by the way, she told us every night how much she loved us and that we were a gift from the Lord.  Amazing, right?!  She hosted all of my roommates (and Bill's too) for every holiday so they wouldn't miss their families so badly.  She fed the high school football team every night before the games-CORN CHOWDER ANYONE?!  Amazing, right?!  She took money out of her retirement to pay for my wedding because she wanted everything to be just as I had always dreamed.  Amazing, right?! She battled breast cancer, never complained, and only missed one day of work after each round of chemo.  Amazing, right?!  When my dad was dying, she was with him from "shift change to shift change" to make sure he felt safe and comfortable.  She let anyone visit because that's what my dad wanted.  She never looked at the time she spent with him as "just her time".  Amazing, right?!  When he passed away she gave each of his siblings an amazing gift, a "part" of daddy when she made teddy bears out of his clothes.  She didn't keep his clothes to hold on, or donate them to let go.  She used them to make precious keep sakes and ran out of time to make one for herself.  She still hasn't had tome to finish that project.  Amazing, right?!  She has channelled her grief into helping others understand what it must be like at the end of life and how to handle the impossible.  Amazing, right?  Now that I am a mom I appreciate all of her hard work and sacrifice more than ever.  When she picked us up from the airport when Benjamin was born, she ran through baggage claim bawling, "he's just so beautiful" to everyone she saw.  She has no shame when it comes to her grand kids because she loves them so much.  Amazing, right?!  She is over the top gentle hearted, she cries at cough medicine commercials (that is where I get it) and has an overwhelming need to be sure everyone else is okay, that is how she "becomes" okay.  She is a tireless servant, one of the strongest women I know, and I am so proud to call her my mom.  Amazing, right?!
Love you Mom- Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter 2011

I  LOVE traditions!  When I say LOVE, I mean obsess about, plan, prepare, re-plan and so on.  I even spend time "reflecting" after we celebrate to see what we can do to make the next tradition even better.  So this year, I did all the regular stuff for Easter and added something. We of course know the real reason for Easter and we try to encourage our kids to focus on that by trying to not have too much "bunnyness" going on.  We don't dye eggs (more for the messiness factor, but I am now going to state it is on principle), or get our pictures made with the Easter Bunny (because Andrew would run screaming from the mall as he did during the great Santa Clause Debacle of 2009, but again, I am going to say it is principle).  Our Easter baskets contain the kids favorite healthy snacks instead of candy (for my benefit so I don;t have to peel them off the ceiling on Easter night at bedtime, but you guessed it, I'm calling it principle).  Annabelle has been asking a lot of questions... I swear this kid won't be believing in the tooth fairy by the time she looses her first tooth!  Why does the Easter Bunny come at night?  Why does he bring treats?  How can he be at "Olivia's Mall" and "Our Mall" at the same time?  Is the Easter Bunny a boy or a girl?  Does she (Annabelle chooses to think it's a girl) have sharp teeth?  Does she wear clothes?  Is she real or just a person dressed up as the Easter Bunny?  So instead of just blowing the whole scam, I answered her questions and added one more, "It's not about the Easter Bunny" piece to our Easter celebration.  A letter from Miss E.B. herself!

The kids FREAKED when they saw this!  They obviously forgot Santa leaves  us an eerily similar letter every Christmas!

EB also left a basket full of goodies for Daddy since he tends to steal from his children.  Sad, Really.
We had Nutri-Grain bars, fruit leather, fruit snacks, jelly beans and Swedish Fish Eggs (two exceptions to our "candy free" Easter).  Later at the Easter Egg hunt at Aunt Brenda's, they got Teddy Grahams and Goldfish.
Benjamin's Easter basket had a book, pookie and "my first Easter" outfit.

Andrew's basket also had a few trains

Annabelle got Tangled- which we have been watching non stop since Sunday morning.  Good thing it's a cute movie!

Daddy's Easter basket had some new shorts and Magic Shell...It doesn't take much!

Here are the Robin Egg trails from Annabelle's room, Andrew's room and our room (since Benjamin is still bunking with us)

Andrew lovin his Easter surprises!

"Mom, are you seriously taking a picture of me with Crazy Hair?"  EWWW!!!

Benjamin enjoying Easter too...  Like the Mickey next to him?  Choking hazard I know, but Andrew cannot stand for Benjamin to be alone in his cribs during nap time.   I promptly remove this toy every day when he's not looking!

My two oldest cuties ready for church.  Andrew really is more excited about his hat than he is letting on!

My baby cutie!  Check out his loafers!
Happy Easter!
Team Sanborn

Sunday, April 24, 2011

EW....5 Weeks With No Post

Dear Blogspot,
I will no longer use my blog as a place to go to look at my "blog roll" for other people's updates.  From now on, I will post about our family before stalking  reading about other families.  I will not allow your time stamps under blog headings to mock me.  I will not let another holiday go by while the previous holiday is still posted as the most "recent" post.  Except for Easter, as I do not have the pictures down loaded yet.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St.Patrick's Day

Andrew, Annabelle and Benjamin

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Annabelle!

Of course this post was quick in coming as to be sure to give each child equal time:)  Annabelly is also 5-YIKES!!!  So here is a glimpse of our baby girl at 5:

Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Restauraunt: Someburros

Favorite Activity: Riding my bike, or hugging my "sniffy pillow" (just realized in the pic our house looks like a candidate for the show "Hoarders", but be sure to watch the video where the house looks much nicer)

Favorite Part of School: Playground (gasp- I know)
Favorite Friend: Andrew

Favorite Movie: Anything Barbie or remotely involving princesses
Favorite Thing to do with Daddy: Go places with him
Favorite Thing to do with Mommy: Shopping (AHHH!! Am I in trouble or what?!)
Favorite Clothes: Dresses

Favorite Shoes: Fancy Flip Flops

What do you want to be when you grow up: A Painter
Favorite Book: Beautiful Brown Eyes, Angelina Ballerina
What do you want to learn when you are five? Read, write and add numbers

AHH!!  That last part melts my heart (good luck to her kindergarten teacher- no pressure).

We cannot believe our tiny baby girl is five.  It seems like only yesterday we brought home a four month old, 9 pound, itchy mess.  And here you are, a beautiful, smart, hilarous girl.  You asked Jesus into your heart this year and you have become so tender and curious about all things having to do with God.  You love to shop with me, convincing me every mommy needs a little shopper!  You love to try new things, you just ate Kale and loved it.  You are getting more and more confident about who you are- we are so proud of that.  You have been such a responsible young lady since Benjamin came home, always offering to help when we look like we need a hand.  You are quick to defend the "under dog" and we are so glad God has laid that on your heart.  We are so excited to see what the next year will hold for you sweet Baby Princess.  We love you!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Andrew!

Andrew turns five today- WHAT!!!!????  Where has the time gone?  Blink of an eye my friends, blink of an eye!  So here is a little bit about Andrew at five years old:

Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich
Favorite Restuaraunt: McDonalds (I know, blame the parenting as the reason he thinks this is a restauraunt.)

This is his actual birthday dinner!
Favorite Activity: Ride My Bike

Favorite Part of School: Circle Time
Favorite Friend: Annabelle (sigh, I know)

Favorite Movie: Toy Story (any of the 3)

Favorite Thing to do with Daddy: Play outside with my friends
Favorite Thing to do with Mommy: Go to McDonalds (I swear we only do this once every two weeks)
Favorite Clothes: Basketball Shorts

Favorite Shoes: Crocs Tennis Shoes

These are a must for any mommy trying to avoid velcro and tie shoes!
What do you want to be when you grow up: A Police Officer
Favorite Book: Mercer Mayer (I think he means anything written by Mercer Mayer)
What do you want to learn when you are five: ride my bike with no training wheels

We are so proud of you!  You have made it to five with your adventurous spirit and no broken bones!  Although you did just get your first bike, so we will see.  You love to giggle and make jokes.  You are a big guy with an even bigger heart.  You love your trains, your bike and imaginative play.  You have also just started to enjoy singing, which melts my heart every time.  You are very sensitive, sometimes overly so which sometimes leads to "emotionally charged episodes" (see fits).  You are very protective and loving when it comes to anyone he loves, especially his brother and sister (beware all bullies and possible suiters).  You still love to snuggle on the couch with your silky and occasionally you suck your thumb.  We love that there are tiny bits of little Andrew left in this big package.  You are wicked smart and we keep praying you will continue to use that power for good, not evil!  We love you so much Bubby and cannot believe you are five!  Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Disneyland Part 1

In case you didn't know...
We went to Disneyland over Christmas and had an AMAZING time thanks to UB!  He bought us ticket for Christmas...  ALL OF US!!  Mimi, the A Babies, Bill an I and himself!  Thanks UB for the best Christmas present!!!  Here are a few pics of our trip:

Looks a little blurry right?  This was taken as we got off of Space Mountain.  Annabelle was not a fan!

Even face painting is more magical at Disneyland!

See what I mean?!

Our last vacation as a family of four!!

The girls:  From the top
Annie, Mimi, me, Autumn, Annabelle, April and Amy

The matching scarves...  Hopefully Autumn will be living with us soon as she attends GCU:) Bunk beds are waiting Autumn!

Andrew and Annabelle waiting for the Tiana Show.  Notice the rain boots?  These were not a fashion statement.  It was forecasted to rain the entire day!  So we all wore rain boots.  It did not rain the whole day thankfully, but due to the forecast, the rides were empty.  And it did rain later and we were grateful for the rain boots!

The kids with Tiana!  It was so cute!  Annabelle ran right up to her!  Andrew on the other hand, side stepped close to her without making eye contact.  I think he may have a little crush!

Andrew and his favorite cowboy!  Oh, and our cousin April of course!

This was the "Ferris Wheel of Death" as it was coined by my brother.  It's a regular ferris wheel, but the gondolas are  on rails and swing wildly with the motion of the ferris wheel.  Annabelle had to hold UB's hand.