Team Sanborn

Team Sanborn

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Pumpkin Patch and A Picnic

We have been loving this beautiful fall weather, low 60's and sunny!!  We are enjoying the scenery so much more.  Our newest adventure was the Pumpkin Patch, where pumpkins actually grow.  Not a dirt lot where the pumpkins get delivered.   After "The Patch", we went on a picnic in the mountains.   We are also beyond thankful for the blessing of time together.  We knew when Bill moved here and we were left in AZ, we would have some tough transitions.  In a lot of ways, it was a lot harder than we expected.  He was doing the "single guy" thing here and we were doing the "single mom" thing in Arizona.  He came home on the weekends twice a month but we missed him, and our time as a family of 5 so much.  The time we have spent together each Saturday has been so fun as we get to know our new home.  Even more wonderful, it has been a time for us to connect as a family.  So after a weekend like we just had, our hearts are full.

The first place the boys wanted to go!

Andrew was the first to find his pumpkin

So many pumpkins to choose from!

Wait for me!  Wait for me!!

Annabelle's pumpkin was too heavy for her to hold!

I own this pumpkin patch!

Picnic at Bridal Veil Falls

He is fishing, no peeing.  Just to be clear.

Our picnic spot

Bridal Veil Falls

This is the walking trail that runs through the canyon- stroller accessible!!  Which is why Benjamin is not in more pictures.  Sleeping in the stroller...

This is how Benjamin "rode in style" for the rest of the walk

 Next Adventure...  Carving pumpkins!  That is Bill's territory, so I am sure you won't be disappointed.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Fall Colors

Okay, when I logged in today, I couldn't remember my password...  Then, I saw the last time I blogged was July 9:).  No wonder I couldn't remember my password!

And now it's fall...  Fall is my favorite season.  Mostly because it contains Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday), and the weather goes from, "Really 100's?  Totally over you!!!" to "Welcome 80's, you have been missed!!".  There might also be Black Friday, but that is another blog topic all together!

This year we are having fall somewhere amazing!  My drive to and from school each day consists of tree lined streets and the colors are changing and it is beautiful!!  Each weekend we try to do something fun as a family since we are new around here:).  Last weekend we went to Sundance.  A.MAZ.ING.  No wonder celebs frequent this place!  It is all kinds of beautiful.  The kids loved the weather and they are getting really good in the car.  Time to adopt another baby right?  HA!  That is another blog topic as well.  Sigh...

Back to fall!  If you do not care about God's creation that is fall, do not continue with this post.  There is about to be a ridiculous amount of pictures of fall posted on this blog!!  No, I'm serious, A LOT of pictures.

our drive to Sundance 

Out picnic spot at Sundance

The boys

The girls

Mom- This is the biggest rock I have ever seen!

This is the drive leaving Sundance and driving on the "Alpine Loop"

American Fork Canyon

Next weeks blog and adventures...  The pumpkin patch!  Stay tuned:)
Love, Team Sanborn