Team Sanborn

Team Sanborn

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Go Irish!!!

Now that is is college football season, we are all happy and BUSY campers on Saturdays.  Here are a few pics of our littlest fans!
Thanks UB for the "game garb"!  Uncle Justin made sure we were all outfitted with OFFICIAL Notre Dame attire.  I will include a pic of my "bedazzled" ND  hat in another post.
Andrew's jersey is in honor of Mike Floyd- he's a wide receiver for the Fighting Irish!   Two years ago, he lit a candle for my dad at the Grotto at Notre Dame.  Kind of a big deal- check it out at 

Our little cheerleader, don't you know he has matching plaid hair bows!

Here's to a great season and a lot of fun along the way!  GO BLUE AND GOLD!!!


Skerrib said...

Love the new look. Love the pics of your kids--they are looking so grown-up!