Today it was 85 degrees and we took advantage by getting in our swim suits and filling up the water table. BTW- they got the water table for their 1st birthday from my mom and dad and we still use it all the time!!! So if anyone out there is looking for a great b-day gift for a baby- WATER TABLE IS IT!!!
Andrew in his new swimsuit- Thanks Mimi, uh I mean Easter Bunny!
Annabelle modeling the 2010 old Navy swimsuit collection (notice the coordinating, not matching swimsuits? THAT'S HOW WE ROLL!!! Again, thanks Mimi)
A little sibling love IN the water table (now, I had to get a pic before I yelled at them for being in the water table... I think the weight limit is like 30lbs-oops)
This is how our sweet moments often end, in terror!! Andrew is a little bigger than annabelle and a lot stronger, so he usually body slams her, or picks her up or in this case squishes her and causes her to almost fall out of the water table. Although it doesn't take much since she loses her balance climbing more than 4 stairs without a grown up and a handrail.
It was definately a play in the water kind of day. Emily played with our hose in the backyard for over an hour.
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