Team Sanborn

Team Sanborn

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Theme for this month is "Big"

The theme of "National Blog Every Day for a Month" this month is "BIG". So sometimes we will be blogging about big, and sometimes not. Today, we are. Today was a BIG day. Of Course first and foremost was the day it self. Easter- it's a pretty BIG deal. Thank you Lord, for dying on the cross and saving us from ourselves.

We had a BIG day with our BIG family, 7 kids under six (for one more day anyway- happy b-day tomorrow Caiden), 8 easter eggs for each (that's 56 easter eggs stuffed with goodies and hidden in Aunt Brenda and Uncle Kim's yard), 8 first cousins (kind of like aunts and uncles), 12 grown ups (who we love so much and are also related to us in one way or another) and this is the BIGGEST part of the day- 14 BIG hours with no tantrums. Yes that's right guys!!! BIG deal!!!! Church (not at our church with sunday school and familiarity) for almost 2 hours. Sitting still too!!! Move to Aunt Brenda and Uncle Kim's for almost 4 hours- again, no tantrums even when it was time to leave. Playdate in Jillian and Elliot's yard for 2 hours in the evening, no tantrums. Dinner and bedtime with no tantrums. BIG deal again. I am feeling so blessed for so many things today. I am blessed by my savior who died for me, blessed by the grace extended by that same savior everyday, blessed by an amazing family, blessed by the "easter Bunny" who always knows just what my kiddos need (thanks Mimi), blessed by the memory of my sweet Daddy who would have loved every minute of today, blessed by my husband who was so helpful during the chaos, and blessed by my precious babies BIG day with no melt downs. I guess you could say I am blessed BIG time!